Hydrodynamics of Heisenberg Ferromagnets

A microscopic derivation is given of hydrodynamic equations and response functions for uniaxial and isotropic exchange Heisenberg ferromagnets. The method is based on the conservation laws and makes no use of a quasiparticle picture. At low temperatures, the hydrodynamic equations involve the z component of the magnetization, the local temperature, and the approximately conserved momentum. In addition to a diffusive mode, there is a propagating mode, the second magnon, which is strongly coupled to the z component of the magnetization and may be observed by neutron scattering, and, in transparent ferromagnets, by Brillouin scattering (e.g., in Eu compounds and CrBr3). The strength of this mode depends on the magnetic field and anisotropy. For zero external field and no anisotropy, the longitudinal susceptibility diverges for wave number q0. The velocities and diffusion constants in the hydrodynamic equations become q dependent. Then, also, the transverse spin components perform low-frequency oscillations. For higher temperatures, the momentum is no longer conserved, and the hydrodynamic equations reduce to two coupled diffusion equations for the local temperature and magnetization. For T>Tc and zero external field, the spin density and energy obey uncoupled diffusion equations.