1 Ketotifen (HC 20‐511 Sandoz) 1 mg twice daily for 12 weeks was found to be equivalent to sodium cromoglycate (SCG) 20 mg four times daily for 12 weeks in 35 skin test positive asthmatic patients in a randomised double‐blind cross‐over study. 2 No statistically significant difference between the two drugs in mean values for daily peak flow rates, diary card scores and spirometry at monthly visits was demonstrated. 3 Treatment failures as judged by severe asthma requiring withdrawal from the trial or addition of short courses of prednisone occurred in three patients on each drug. 4 Sedation was noted by 10 patients onHC 20‐511 and 5 on SCG. 5 Weight loss was noted in those patients on SCG, but not those on HC 20‐511.