Evidence for the Electromagnetic Production ofμMesons

Direct electromagnetic production of pairs of μ mesons has been investigated. The means of detection chosen consists of searching for the production of single negative μ mesons peaked sharply in the forward direction. The target chosen was aluminum, bombarded by bremsstrahlung from 575-Mev electrons, and the angular range studied was 10°<θ<30°. The experimental value of the cross section σexp was referred to a theoretical value σtheor computed by modifying the conventional formula for the pair production of fermions by photons in a Coulomb field by the introduction of a finite nuclear size. Observations carried out to data give σexpσtheor=1.93±0.68. The quoted standard error defines the statistical accuracy only and is a measure of the likelihood of existence of the process; in addition, the absolute cross section is uncertain to within a factor of 1.5.