Connective Tissue Nevus

The connective tissue nevus is a hamartoma of collagen tissue producing a dermal tumor which in confluent plaques gives the appearance of peau de chagrin. Cases have been reported, especially in the European literature, under a variety of names: nevus elasticus regionis mammariae,1 pflastersteinförmiger Bindegewebesnaevus,2 Bindegewebesnaevus,3-5 dystrophie elastique folliculaire,6 naevus pseudocolloid perifolliculaire,7 juvenile elastoma,8 collagénome eruptif.9-10 All of these reports and discussions differ in their interpretation of the histologic evidence, some emphasizing the collagenous change and others the changes in elastic tissue. A similar lesion seen associated with tuberous sclerosis has been termed shagreen skin (chagrin haut, peau de chagrin). Riehl11 in 1935 defined connective tissue nevus as that lesion of chagrin haut seen in patients with adenoma sebaceum. Recently Nickel and Reed12 pointed out the clinical and histologic similarities between connective tissue nevus and the fibrous dermal proliferations observed on

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