The autumn growth of hoggets on different pasture types

Four trials are described in which the liveweight gains of hoggets grazing different types of pasture over the autumn period were compared. In the first trial, hoggets grazed on white clover (Trifolium repens L.) had a greater liveweight gain (2.9 lb per week) from 26 February to 4 June 1963, compared with a 2.01b gain of those on mature perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) plus white clover, 1.1 lb on short (1–2 in.) perennial ryegrass plus white clover, and 0.61b on short perennial ryegrass. In the second trial, hoggets grazed on white clover-dominant pasture from 11 March to 20 May 1964 had a liveweight gain of 3.01b per week, those fed on lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) hay and short perennial ryegrass 1.51b per week, and those on short perennial ryegrass 0.91b per week. In the third trial, hoggets grazed on short (1–2 in.) pasture gained 1.1 lb per week in liveweight, compared with a 1.61b per week gain of those on longer (2–5 in.) pasture from, 13 March to 7 June 1963. In the fourth trial, the hoggets grazed on longer pasture from 12 March to 2 September 1964 had a 1.2 lb per week liveweight gain, compared with a 1.0 lb gain of those grazed on the shorter pasture.