New neutron-deficient Pb and Bi nuclides produced in cross bombardments with heavy ions

New α -emitting bismuth nuclides ranging in mass number from 189 to 197 and lead nuclides ranging from 186 to 192 have been produced in the following reactions: Tl203(He3,xn)206xBi, Re187(O16,xn)205xBi, Re185(O16,xn)203xBi, Ta181(Ne20,xn)201xBi, Tb159(Ar40,xn)199xBi, Ta181(F19,xn)200xPb, W182(O16,xn)198xPb and Gd155(Ar40,xn)195xPb. Assignments were made on the basis of excitation function measurements and comparison with similar reactions leading to the formation of the analogous well-known Po nuclides. The following assignments were made, where for each nuclide the two listed numbers are the α-ray energy in MeV and half-life: Bim197—5.77, 10 min; Bi195-5.43, 170 sec; Bim195—6.11, 90 sec; Bi194-5.61, 105 sec; Bi193-5.90, 64 sec; Bim193—6.18; Bi192-6.06, 42 sec; Bi191-6.32, 13 sec; Bim191—6.63; Bim191—6.86; Bi190-6.45, 5.4 sec; Bi189-6.67, Pb192-5.06, 2.3 min; Pb191-5.29, 1.3 min; Pb190-5.58, 1.2 min; Pb189-5.72, 51 sec; Pb188-5.98, 26 sec; Pb187-6.08, 17 sec; and Pb186-6.32, 8 sec. Estimates of α branching ratios are also presented.