Determination of cystic fibrosis carrier frequency for Zuni native Americans of New Mexico

The Zuni native Americans of the Southwest have an incidence of cystic fibrosis of approximately one in 333 or seven and one-half times that found for Caucasians. Earlier studies indicated that dF508 was not among the cystic fibrosis mutations causing this disease. Through a collaborative study the R1162X mutation was found on 12 out of 12 cystic fibrosis chromosomes from six Zuni patients. Because of the relative high incidence of cystic fibrosis, we undertook a study to determine the carrier frequency of the R1162X mutation among randomly sampled individuals. We found the carrier frequency in the general population for the R1162X to be 6.7%, a very significant number when compared with the carrier frequency for all cystic fibrosis mutations in the Caucasian population of approximately 4%.