Separations of derivatized amino acid enantiomers by cyclodextrin‐modified capillary electrophoresis: Mechanistic and molecular modeling studies

The enantiomers of 5-dimethylamino-1-naphthalene sulfonyl (DNS)-deriva-tives of selected amino acids were successfully separated using capillary electrophoresis (CE) employing cyclodextrins (CD) as enantio-selective running buffer additives. A previously described model for retention and chiral recognition in CD-modified CE is shown to adapt well in this application. Resolution of the isomers is strongly influenced by the type and concentration of cyclodextrin employed, as predicted by the model. Although data indicates differences in the electrophoretic mobilities for some of the completely complexed enantiomer pairs, selectivity generally requires exploiting differences in the amino acid-CD complexation constants for enantiomer pairs. In this work, the D-enantiomers exhibit larger formation constants and are complexed to a greater degree (elute first) at moderate CD concentration. When mixtures of amino acids are analyzed, the effects of separation conditions on general elution behavior must be considered or separated enantiomer pairs will co-elute with other enantiomers. Preliminary results aimed at predicting the strength of DNS-amino acid enantiomer-CD interactions based on molecular modeling studies are presented. A statistical mechanical approach to treating computationally derived enantiomer-CD interaction energies is shown to provide reasonable correlation with separation performance.