A clinicopathological study of liver disease in haemophiliacs.

Chronic liver disease is not often reported in patients with hemophilia. Although a high incidence of abnormal liver function tests has been reported, the clinical significance of these findings and their relation to chronic liver disease cannot be established without a liver biopsy. The results of this procedure, carried out in 11 patients with severe hemophilia A and B, in whom SGOT [serum aspartate aminotransferase] was persistently raised for 3 yr, were reported. Five patients had chronic active hepatitis, 4 had chronic persistent hepatitis, 1 had cirrhosis, and 1 alcoholic hepatitis. No hemorrhagic complication followed the biopsy procedure, which was carried out in patients given prophylactic clotting factor concentrates. Duration of abnormal liver function tests was apparently likely to represent liver disease in hemophiliacs, and biopsy should be considered to establish the diagnosis and plan a suitable therapeutic program.