
The prevalence of five types of hyperlipoproteinemia identified by Fredrickson, Levy, and Lees has been identified in 1301 male and female blood donors, aged 18-64 years. No patients with type I or V hyperlipoproteinemia were encountered, and only three patients with type III hyperlipoproteinemia were discovered. Type IV hyperlipoproteinemia was the most prevalent disorder in this population and was significantly more prevalent in males than females-261/1000 vs 81/1000, respectively. The prevalence rate of type II hyperlipoproteinemia in male and female subjects was 87/1000 and 104/1000, respectively. Subjects with type IV, but not those with type II hyperlipoproteinemia, were significantly more obese than normal. High-density lipoprotein levels were lower than normal in patients with type IV and with type II hyperlipoproteinemia irrespective of sex, while in normal subjects high-density lipoproteins were significantly higher in females. Densitometry of stained electrophoretically separated lipoproteins correlated highly with lipid content of these fractions but was not considered sufficiently accurate for use as a quantitative technic.