Cure of Helicobacter pylori infection does not improve symptoms in non‐ulcer dyspepsia patients—a double‐blind placebo‐controlled study

It remains controversial whether the cure of H. pylori infection improves NUD symptoms. To conduct a double-blind placebo-controlled single centre study with concealed allocation to investigate this question. Ninety NUD patients with H. pylori infection were randomly assigned to either the treatment group (50 patients) or placebo group (40 patients). The treatment group received omeprazole, amoxycillin, clarithromycin and the placebo group received omeprazole and placebos for 7 days. Symptoms were assessed every week for up to 12 weeks after completion of medication by a symptom questionnaire. Alteration of histological parameters for gastritis was also evaluated. The infection was cured in 41 out of 48 patients in the treatment group and none in the placebo group. There was no significant difference in the mean symptom scores at any assessment point up to 12 weeks between the treatment and placebo groups. Regarding histological parameters, activity and inflammation, not atrophy or intestinal metaplasia, were significantly improved in the treatment group. Although histological parameters were significantly improved in the treatment group, there was no significant improvement in symptoms of NUD in the treatment group compared to placebo.