Growth-related order of the retinal fiber layer in goldfish

The retinal fiber layer and the juxtaretinal portion of the optic nerve of goldfish have been studied with light and electron microscopy in order to determine whether the age-related order of fibers in the nerve originates in the retina. In the retina, no patent spaces (channels) were noted. The fibers ran in fascicles and consisted of two classes: nonmyelinated fibers, which ran superficially (close to the vitreal surface), and “myelinated” fibers, which ran more deeply and were loosely wrapped by processes presumed to be glial. The myelinated fibers were larger and presumably older. The nonmyelinated fibers are believed to be the young ones, from the peripheral, more recently generated, ganglion cells, for the following reasons. (1) Their size and cytoskeletal elements were typical of young axons. (2) They were the only axons in peripheral retina. (3) They were continuous with the nonmyelinated fibers in the nerve, previously shown to be the young ones. (4) When retinal axons were cut peripherally, the degenerating axons were in the superficial part of the fiber layer. (5) Growth cones, presumably from the newest ganglion cells, were always observed at the most superficial position in the fiber layer, in direct contact with the basal lamina of the inner limiting membrane superficially and nonmyelinated fibers deeply. The nonmyelinated fibers always clustered together in the retinal fiber layer and occupied the most central portion in the cross-section of the optic nerve head. Thus, the age- related organization of fibers in the nerve is established in the retina. These results are discussed in the context of growth, with the aim of evaluating the relative importance of four factors that might influence the intraretinal course of the growth cone. Its interactions with other fibers and with the basal lamina of the inner limiting membrane seem to be more important than interactions with the glial end feet or guidance into open, preformed channels.