The integument of Paranthessius anemoniae has been studied with light and electron microscopy. A cuticle with clearly defined epicuticular, exocuticular and endocuticular regions overlies a cellular hypodermal layer. The distribution of carbohydrate, lipid and protein components of the cuticle were demonstrated histochemically. Parabolic striations in oblique sections of cuticle suggest that its molecular architecture fits a “twisted sheet” theory proposed for other species. Arthrodial membranes at body and limb joints have a homogeneous structure, lacking exocuticle and endocuticle. Subcuticular glands appear to secrete substances thought to be responsible for the immunity which Paranthessius seems to have to the nematocysts of its host. Small hairs, situated in cuticular cups which occur over the dorsal body surface are considered to function as rheoreceptors.