Distribution of Se75 in Serum Proteins of Chicks and Influence of Selenium on Albumin Recovery.

Summary Se75 was orally administered to 3-week-old chicks fed either selenium deficient or supplemented diets. Distribution of Se75 in serum proteins with time and its effect on serum protein pattern were determined electrophoretically. Selenium in the diet had no effect on the distribution of Se75 in the protein fraction, but markedly decreased its retention. After 2 hours the major portion of the dose was found in the beta and gamma fraction and the activity in this fraction increased with time. Marked increases in A/G ratios in depleted chicks were observed within 96 hours after administration of Se75. Albumin was increased and globulin fractions were decreased. Increases in A/G ratios, somewhat smaller in magnitude, were also noted in chicks receiving a diet supplemented with selenium.