Lokalisation der Peroxidase-Isoenzyme in Protoplasten und Zellwänden von Nicotiana tabacum L.

Upon disk-electrophoresis with guaiacol as a substrate the peroxidase-isoenzymes of Nicotiana tabacum (L.) were localized on the gels in two anodic and two cathodic groups. By preparation of protoplasts and isolation of cell walls it was possible to show that only cathodic enzymes are located in the protoplasts in measurable amounts, whereas all the isoenzymes, anodic and cathodic, can be found associated with cell walls. The different groups of isoenzymes are bound to the cell wall in different ways as evidenced by differences in their extration. It seems possible that different biological functions are associated with the different groups of isoenzymes. The isoenzyme patterns of different organs and tissues of tobacco show qualitative differences only in the anodic (i.e. wall located) isoenzymes. It is suggested that the ontogenetic change in peroxidase-patterns is direct evidence of biochemical differences in the cell walls of the different tissues and organs.