The attempts to describe the behavior of the gluon propagator and quark propagator by using truncated Schwinger-Dyson equations and Slavnov-Taylor identities are reviewed. Special attention is paid to the problem of infrared behavior of Green’s functions. The most important attempts to calculate the gluon propagator using the axial as well as the covariant gauge are critically discussed. Furthermore, an approach concerning the gluon propagator is presented, with the background-field method as its basis. All the calculations confirm more or less the existence of an infrared singularity in the gluon propagator of the form q−4 in momentum space. The calculations to determine the behavior of the dynamical mass function of quarks, where the results concerning the gluon propagator are taken into account, show that chiral symmetry is dynamically broken. Furthermore, it turns out that there is no polelike singularity in the quark propagator. These results agree with the expectations from the confinement philosophy.