Entropy of nonextreme charged rotating black holes in string theory

We give the explicit expression for four-dimensional rotating charged black hole solutions of N=4 (or N=8) superstring vacua, parametrized by the ADM mass, four charges [two electric and two magnetic charges, each arising from a different U(1) gauge factor], and the angular momentum (as well as the asymptotic values of four toroidal moduli of a two-torus and the dilaton-axion field). The explicit form of the thermodynamic entropy is parametrized in a suggestive way as a sum of the product of the "left-moving" and the "right-moving" terms, which may have an interpretation in terms of the microscopic degrees of freedom of the corresponding D-brane configuration. We also give an analogous parametrization of the thermodynamic entropy for the recently obtained five-dimensional rotating charged black holes parametrized by the ADM mass, three U(1) charges, and two rotational parameters (as well as the asymptotic values of one toroidal modulus and the dilaton).