High-Speed Spiral-Scan Echo Planar NMR Imaging-I

An improved echo planar high-speed imaging technique using spiral scan is presented and experimental advantages are discussed. This proposed spiral-scan echo planar imaging (SEPI) technique employs two linearly increasing sinusoidal gradient fields, which results in a spiral trajectory in the spatial frequency domain (k-domain) that covers the entire frequency domain uniformly. The advantages of the method are: 1) circularly symmetric T2 weighting, resulting in a circularly symmetric point spread function in the image domain; 2) elimination of discontinuities in gradient waveforms which in turn will reduce initial transient as well as steady-state distortions; and 3) effective rapid spiral-scan from dc to high frequency in a continuous fashion, which ensures multiple pulsing with interlacing for further resolution improvement without T2 decay image degradation. Some preliminary experimental results will be presented and further possible improvements suggested.