The Egg and Larva of Callionymus lyra

The egg of this species has been described and discussed by Professors McIntosh and Prince, by Mr. E. W. L. Holt, and by myself. Raffaele, in his paper in the Mittheilungen of the Naples Station, vol. viii, described the yolk in the ovum of Callionymus festivus as having a peripheral layer of yolk-segments, but no reticulated marking on the surface of the vitelline membrane; while all we English observers have agreed in stating that the egg of Callionymus lyra, our common dragonet, has a reticulated marking on the vitelline membrane, but no yolk-segments. I was, therefore, very much surprised, in examining some eggs of this species from the tow-net this year, to find that there actually was a peripheral layer of yolk-segments, which had hitherto been overlooked.