The electron affinities of the light elements have been estimated by an empirical method of extrapolation. The ionization potentials (I) of isoelectronic systems are considered to be parabolic functions of the atomic number (Z). The Moseley curves I12:Z of the first ionization potential of the electronic systems containing from one to eighteen electrons have been completed. They are nearly straight lines except in their lower extremities where they show a bending towards the axis of atomic number Z. Wherever a check was possible it is found that the estimated electron affinities agree with experiment or with other calculation as obtained from wave mechanics or from thermochemical considerations by means of a Born-Haber cycle. The estimated electron affinities (in electron-volts) are: H (+0.7), He (-0.5), Li (+0.3), Be (-0.6), B (+0.1), C (+1.37), N (+0.04), O (+3.8), F (+3.9), Ne (-1.20), Na (+0.1), Mg (-0.9), Al (-0.2), Si (+0.6), P (+0.2), S (+2.1), Cl (+3.7), A (-1.0), Ni (+0.3), Cu (+1.2), Ag (+1.0), Hg (+1.8).