High-Resolution Gamma-Ray Spectroscopic Study of the DecayBa133→Cs133

The decay of Ba133 to levels in Cs133 was studied using Ge(Li) γ-ray spectrometers. The energies of the measured γ-ray transitions are 53.14(8), 160.68(10), 223.08(10), 276.45(8), 302.87(8), 355.99(7), and 383.92(7) keV. The corresponding relative γ-ray intensities of these transitions are 3.16(39), 0.99(10), 0.72(8), 11.62(82), 29.4(21), 100, and 14.3(10). γ-ray spectra in coincidence with the 53.1-, 79.6-, 81.0-, 276.4-, 302.9-, 356.0-, and 383.9-keV γ rays were obtained. The data are in quantitative agreement with the existing decay scheme. The K-shell internal-conversion coefficients were determined, using the present γ-ray relative intensities and published K-shell internal-conversion-electron relative intensities. These results and earlier lifetime measurements and mixing ratios were used to calculate γ-ray-transition retardation and enhancement factors.