SINCE Marfan's original report in 1896,1 approximately 325 cases of arachnodactyly have been recorded in the literature. In addition to the presence of long, thin, "spider-like" digits, various other anomalies, especially of the eye, skeleton, cardiovascular system and external ear, have been described in patients with this condition. Rados,2 in 1942, summarized the distinctive malformations in 204 previously recorded cases. His data showed that about 15 per cent of the patients had been reported to have a high palate, but only 2 patients, those of Piper and Irvine-Jones3 and Zuber,4 had had a cleft palate. I found no additional case of arachnodactyly with cleft palate reported, although Dax (1940)5 described a patient with arachnodactyly who had 2 siblings with cleft palates. The infrequency of the occurrence of the combination prompts me to record the following case. REPORT OF CASE A 6 week old baby girl

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