Study of the Decay ofTm168to Levels inEr168Using Coincidence and Directional Correlation Techniques

The levels in Er168 populated by electron capture of Tm168 have been studied using scintillation spectrometers, gamma-gamma and electron-gamma coincidence measurements, and directional correlation techniques. This work leads to the following conclusions: the spin and parity of the 1543-keV level are verified as 3-; the 1280-keV transition is E1(<~0.08%M2); the 721-keV transition is E1(<~0.05%M2); and the 743-keV transition is E2(<~2.4%M1). The attenuation coefficient G¯2 for the 1280-80-keV correlation was determined to be 0.77±0.19 for a source consisting of a dilute aqueous solution of TmCl3. The analysis of the results of the Tm168 decay is compared with the predictions using various models. The ratios of reduced transition probabilities for transitions from the gamma vibrational band in Er168 are analyzed and a bandmixing parameter z=0.055 is found.