The main purpose of this article is to describe the electrical and magnetic properties of extrinsic semiconductors when the concentration of donors varies, particularly for concentrations near that for which a metal-insulator transition takes place. Since the donor centres are distributed at random in space, the combined effects of correlation and Anderson localization have to be considered. As an introduction, in § 1 we give an outline of our present understanding of the transition in some crystalline materials, particularly V2O3. For this the metallic phase, a highly correlated electron gas, is discussed, as is also the question of a discontinuous change in the number of current carriers. In § 2 we discuss Si : P and similar materials. For uncompensated samples, the material near the transition is to be described by overlapping Hubbard bands, and the metal-insulator transition occurs when the states at the Fermi energy show Anderson localization. Just on the insulator side of the transition conduction is by variable-range hopping for uncompensated as for compensated materials, and a variation of log (resistivity) as T −1/4 is observed. The existence or otherwise of moments in the metallic phase is discussed, as is also the magnetoresistance, Hall effect and Knight shift. In § 3 the transition is described for narrow-band semiconductors, particularly La1−x Sr x VO3. In § 4 some compounds of rare earths are treated, including Sm1−x Nd x Se.