Roughening of Ag surfaces by Ag deposits studied by differential reflectivity

Differential reflectivity ΔRR measurements between a smooth Ag surface and the same surface covered by silver deposits of various thicknesses were performed in ultrahigh vacuum over the (1.5-5)-eV spectral range for different Ag substrate temperatures. One silver monolayer on silver substrate at 125 K gives rise to relatively large changes in reflectivity (~ 103). For thicker deposits (four monolayers or more) a well-defined absorption at 3.5 eV due to surface-plasmon excitation is found. The experimental results are compared to computed values of ΔRR. ΔRR variations during sample annealing to room temperature are also investigated and compared to the reported dc resistance and surface-enhanced Raman scattering measurements. Roughness was also investigated by electron microscopy by "pinning" the surface at T=140 K with a superficial oxide. An additional absorption found for thick (~ 103 Å) quenched silver films is attributed to a surface effect.