The preceding paper contains a quantitative comparison of calculated and experimental intensity distributions for atomic beams of Ne scattered from the (001) LiF surface. Those results imply self‐consistency of both the scattering model and the semiempirical atom‐surface potential derived from the study, since a large number of observables are predicted on the basis of a semiempirical potential determined by appropriate choice of three disposable parameters. A systematic trials study used both to determine these potential parameters from a limited part of the experimental data, and to assess the significance of uncertain values of other parameters associated with the scattering model is reported here. The trials study clarifies mechanisms associated with scattering phenomenology, and permits one to identify characteristic features of the colorful intensity structure (surface rainbows) with specific physical parameters that influence the atom‐surface interaction. The use of scattering theory to extract atom‐surface properties from experimental observables is dependent on the latter relationship.