Yeast acid phosphatase, when activated by Mn or Mg, was not inhibited by KCN; when activated by Co, KCN inhibited greatly. NaF inhibited after activation by Mn, Mg, Co; the inhibition being complete with Mg. [alpha]-[alpha]''-dipyridyl did not inhibit alcoholic fermentation, but actually augmented it. KCN inhibited the fermentation of glycogen, hexose diphosphate and Cori ester. KCN retarded the activation of hexose diphosphate fermentation by arsenate. The binding of a 2d phosphate radical on Fischer ester was therefore not sensitive to KCN, since this "phosphorylation" did not take place with arsenate. KCN did not affect reactions from hexose diphosphate to phosphoglyeerie acid. The breakdown of the latter was inhibited by KCN, as was that of phosphopyruvic acid. Mn, Co, Zn, Cd activated the phosphorylation of adenylic acid by phosphopyruvic acid. KCN inhibited the phosphorylation of glucose by phosphopyruvic acid in iodoacetate poisoned Lebedev juice. Phosphopyruvate breakdown was not inhibited by iodoacetate but was by H2S.