Erkennbarkeit zentralvenöser Katheter bei Einsatz der digitalen Lumineszenzradiographie in der intensivmedizinischen Radiologie

The aim of the following study was to assess the impact of dose alterations on the detection of catheters. We compared the performance of well-exposed conventional and digital portable chest radiographs in the detection of thin catheters and tested the influences of dose alterations. Portable chest radiographs of 20 patients were obtained with conventional film/screen (FR) and with storage phosphors at 50% (SRL), 100% (SRN), and 250% (SRH) of the conventionally required exposure dose. The region of the mediastinum was subdivided into an average of 18 fields, 50% of which were superimposed with thin catheter segments. ROC analysis of 11,600 observations by 8 readers found only SRH equivalent to FR in catheter visualisation. Performance decreased significantly with SRN and SRL. Detection of low contrast catheters was found to be significantly decreased in storage phosphor radiographs obtained with standard exposure dose. A dose reduction is not feasible with current equipment if performance equivalent to conventional radiography is to be achieved.