Asymptotic Large-ZAtomic Wave Functions

A new technique for calculating wave functions for atoms and ions is developed. Formal asymptotic expansions with largeness parameter Z (nuclear charge) of the form ψ=eZhΣanZn, where h and the set of an's are functions of the electron coordinates, are determined through first order in 1Z. In so doing, the Schrödinger equation for a general atomic system with N electrons is reduced to a set of first-order partial differential equations for successive an. These equations are then solved recursively. Screening and correlation are exhibited explicitly in the resulting asymptotic atomic wave functions. Applications made to the ground state of 2-electron systems show that the asymptotic wave function obeys the virial theorem through first order. Magnetic susceptibilities within 5% of the accepted values are obtained for helium and singly ionized lithium. Other expectation values, 12(s1+s2), s122, and s12, are found to be in excellent agreement with Pekeris's variational calculations utilizing many parameters. In the neighborhood of certain singular points the large-Z asymptotic solutions obtained by a "matching technique" are shown to satisfy the correct cusp conditions. In certain of these regions, (lnZ)Z terms enter. The omission of such terms in ordinary variational-perturbation wave functions may result in a loss of accuracy when computing expectation values other than the energy.

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