The Initial Stage of Migration in Salt-marsh Mosquitos

Summary: The departure of the newly emerged adults of the salt-marsh mosquito, Aëdes taeniorhynchus (Wied.) from the breeding sites was studied in Florida. The departures, which are presumed to be the initial stage of the migratory flight, have been observed to take place only in the dark period of the 24 hours, and, the vast majority of individuals being ready to take off at dusk, spontaneous mass departure took place at that time.Samples of the resting population of mosquitos were taken at intervals before and after the mass departure, and from the departing migrants. The average age of the males in each sample was estimated by the proportion in different stages of hypopygial rotation, from which it is concluded that migratory activity begins when the insects are six or more hours old. The end of the migratory period is not yet known. In all of 21 female departing migrants examined, the ovaries were immature and the spermathecae empty.