Resuscitation Experience Within the Hospital

THE INTRODUCTION of newer resuscitative techniques, particularly external cardiac massage, has occasioned a resurgence of interest in the resuscitation field. Prior to this renewed interest, acute respiratory problems within the hospitals, in theory, should have been managed with the prompt institution of artificial ventilation. In 1957, this Department of Anesthesiology reported its experience with acute respiratory problems occurring outside the operating room areas in 100 consecutive patients.1In this report, 38 patients recovered who otherwise might have died. Poor results were obtained in those patients having acute circulatory arrest who were managed with vasopressors. However, since then external cardiac massage has been introduced as an effective means of combating acute circulatory problems.2Therefore, it seemed appropriate in the year 1962 to analyze the results of this same emergency service in the management of both acute circulatory and respiratory problems. Material The medical and nursing staff within the 600