Does the Pomeron have vacuum quantum numbers?

From general arguments, the imaginary part of every elastic scattering amplitude at sufficiently large impact parameter is governed by the two-pion exchange cut in the t channel. Consequently, the large-impact-parameter tail of the Pomeron is not an SU(3) singlet. We calculate the contribution of the tail (typically about σtot) approximately, and thereby predict observable differences between high-energy total cross sections for πp and Kp, and between pp, Λp, Σp, and Ξp. We estimate the asymptotic difference between πp and pp cross sections. We also obtain nonzero estimates for the diffractive helicity-flip component of elastic scattering and for diffractive contributions to processes such as πpA2p and KpK*(890)p. We predict cross sections for A2 and K* at Fermilab, and elastic polarizations, e.g., in pppp and ΛpΛp, at asymptotic energies.