Organization of the ribosomal RNA genes of Schizophyllum commune

The 18, 5.8, 25 and 5S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) cistrons have been mapped on the ribosomal DNA (rDNA) unit repeat of Schizophyllum commune strain 4–40. These genes are spatially ordered in the sequence given. The presence of a large primary precursor rRNA which is processed to form the mature 18, 5.8 and 25S rRNAs has been demonstrated. We have mapped the site of transcriptional initiation for this rRNA primary precursor. The sequence surrounding this site has been determined and shown to be highly conserved, with considerable identity to those in Neurospora crassa and Dictyostelium discoideum. The direction of transcription of the rRNA genes has been determined. The 5S rRNA cistron is transcribed in the same direction as the other rRNAs, however it is not transcribed as a part of the large primary precursor. The previously identified rDNA strain-specific length polymorphisms (Specht et al. 1984) are shown to be located within the transcribed region of the rDNA unit repeat.