In Feynman's space-time approach to nonrelativistic quantum mechanics, the wave function may be considered to be the sum of path integrals over Brownian-motion trajectories. This formalism is entirely equivalent to the Schrödinger-equation treatment with its intrinsic indeterminacy. Pursuing the analogy with Brownian motion further, one may introduce a hidden variable corresponding to particle velocity in order to represent the wave function as a sum of path integrals taken over phase-space trajectories. By means of a hidden parameter corresponding to the time scale of fictitious interactions of the particle with the vacuum, one can define generalized propagators which over very short times produce wave functions which are localizable in phase space and hence are deterministic. For long times the conventional Feynman formalism is recovered. This short-time causality does not violate the von Neumann injunction against hidden variables since the new velocity variable turns out to be non-Hermitian over the long time scales normally considered. In contrast to the models proposed by Bohm and others, the present Brownian model is linear and preserves the usual statistical interpretation of the wave function for sufficiently long times.