One hundred forty‐nine supradiaphragmatic Stage IA and IIA Hodgkin's disease (HD) patients treated according to one of two different policies, were analyzed to quantitate the therapeutic gains achieved in recent years. Forty‐nine patients were managed according to the pre‐1969 policy consisting of mantle radiotherapy (XRT) only without laparotomy staging and without subdiaphragmatic treatment. These cases constitute the old series (OS). Ninety‐eight patients after 1969 received staging laparotomy–splenectomy and were treated with total or subtotal nodal irradiation, and in a small number also multiagent chemotherapy (MAC). These patients constitute the new series (NS). All prelaparotomy IA and IIA cases are included in the NS even if they became Stage III at laparotomy. Salvage therapy for relapsing disease differed between the OS and NS. The majority of OS relapsing patients received salvage XRT, while the majority of relapsing NS patients received MAC. The NS and OS patient groups are comparable by pretreatment parameters. There is a large and statistically significant improvement in disease‐free survival (DFS) and survival (S) in the NS over the OS. At 13 years the NS group had a DFS of 65% compared to 38% in the OS, and S in the NS was 82% compared to 37% in the OS. The improvement in DFS is almost totally due to the addition of prophylactic periaortic XRT in the NS patients. A striking reversal of relapse patterns for the OS and NS was observed. Periaortic nodal relapse occurred in 37% of the OS patients and accounted for 64% of all relapses, while in the NS this failure pattern occurred in only 2% of all cases. Supradiaphragmatic relapse accounted for 74% of all relapses in the NS. Improved salvage of relapsed patients in the NS further added to the overall gain in survival. Whereas no relapsed patient in the OS achieved long‐term survival (14% at 10 years, 0 at 25 years), one‐half of NS relapses were salvaged by MAC (54% survival at 10 years from relapse). These data clearly document the striking therapeutic gains in Stage IA and IIA supradiaphragmatic HD resulting from the use of prophylactic periaortic XRT and MAC salvage for relapsing patients. Cancer 56: 1905‐1912, 1985.