Public opinion on alcohol policies

In recent years leading authorities and organizations have been recommending policies to combat alcohol abuse. These policies range from restrictions on availability to curbs on drinking and driving. However, the policies have not been presented in any priority order, nor is it clear how acceptable they will be to the general public. This report sets out public opinion on 21 key policies and looks at recent changes in public support in this area. It shows that there are a wide range of policies on alcohol which are well supported by the general public. It seems that the vast majority of both drinkers and non-drinkers would like to see more detailed labelling on alcoholic drinks, further action in the area of drinking and driving, the promotion of alternatives to alcohol in pubs, a levy on alcohol advertising, bans on the sale of alcohol at a variety of sports meetings, more alcohol education in schools and stricter enforcement of the laws on under-age drinking. In addition, the survey reveals greater public support for restrictions on the promotion of alcohol and the introduction of random breath testing, than had been found one year previously. It is suggested that these findings could be used for setting an agenda on the implementation of policies to reduce alcohol abuse.