Effect of High Pressure on Antiferromagnetism in Cr Alloys

The pressure dependence of antiferromagnetic ordering in Cr–Ru, Cr–Mn, and Cr–Re alloys has been investigated. At low concentrations, TN drops very rapidly and nonlinearly with pressure up to some point and then exhibits a much slower variation with a distinct break in slope. We attribute this break in slope to a transition from communsurate phase (C) at lower pressures to an incommensurate phase (I) at higher pressures. If we extrapolate the paramagnetic (P) to incommensurate boundary back to 1 atm we obtain values for the Néel temperature (TNI) for PI transition, if the PC transition had not occurred first. TNI when plotted against e/a shows a sharp break at pure Cr, in accord with theoretical predictions based on the ``depairing'' effects of impurity scattering.