Yellow laminated root rot occurs in most native conifers throughout the range of Douglas fir in British Columbia. The cause of this disease has been ascribed to a variety of Poria weirii Murr., or a species of Poria distinct from P. weirii. The fungus grows from infected to healthy roots through physiologically weakened contacting points or fusions, and the disease is most prevalent in Douglas fir because of the common occurrence of root fusion in this species. Douglas fir is susceptible at any age over six years but individual trees show marked differences in their resistance to killing by the disease. The symptom picture varies greatly between infected trees and is directly related to the resistance shown by the individual host. Inoculum may remain viable for over 50 years in stumps and roots. The fungus does not appear to spread through the soil nor does it appear to be able to penetrate healthy bark tissue. Although the control of this disease is currently important in many localized areas, several characteristics in the behavior of the causal fungus indicate that it will become more important as management of second growth Douglas fir forests becomes more intensive.