Recently Saenz1reviewed the literature on cutaneous manifestations in lymphogranuloma venereum and added another report of a case to the reports which to date had been found only in foreign literature. In his patient, inflammatory papules and also nodular lesions appeared on the trunk, chest, face and extremities, following superficial roentgenotherapy (a nonfiltered erythema dose) to each groin. He stated the belief that the cutaneous symptoms were the result of an increased allergic reaction of the skin from roentgenotherapy. Cole, in discussing the case, stated that he had seen a dozen or more types of cutaneous reaction in this disease but believed that the commonest was erythema multiforme; in Saenz' case the condition was erythema nodosum. Bosnjakovic2reported a case of lymphogranuloma venereum in which the reaction was that of erythema exsudativum multiforme following the injection of the patient's own antigen and a heterologous antigen intradermally for