Staining properties of aldehyde fuchsin analogs.

This investigation was designed to clarify the role of the aldehyde component of aldehyde fuchsin in its staining reactions. Several aldehyde fuchsin analogs were prepared by using different aldehydes. The staining quality of these analogs and pararosaniline-HCl was compared with that of aldehyde fuchsin prepared with paraldehyde in the usual way. The major findings of this investigation include: 1) Aldehyde fuchsin staining of nonoxidized pancreatic B cells requires a stain prepared with either paraldehyde or acetaldehyde. 2) An aldehyde moiety is required for aldehyde fuchsin staining of strong tissue anions. 3) Staining of elastic tissue with aldehyde fuchsin analogs resembles staining of strong tissue anions more than staining of nonoxidized pancreatic B cells. Possible reaction mechanisms of aldehyde fuchsin with tissue substrates are discussed.