Thrombotic Risk in Hereditary Antithrombin III, Protein C, or Protein S Deficiency

A cooperative, retrospective study was performed on data from 8 coagulation laboratories and thrombosis units in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland to assess the risk for thrombosis in patients with hereditary antithrombin III (AT-III), protein C (PC), and protein S (PS) deficiencies; to compare the clinical manifestations of these 3 deficiency states; and to estimate the risk for development of thrombosis in high-risk situations. Two hundred thirty patients from 71 families with a documented hereditary deficiency of a natural coagulation inhibitor were included in the study. The patient group comprised 69 patients from 25 families with AT-III deficiency, 86 patients from 27 families with PC deficiency, and 75 patients from 19 families with PS deficiency. Diagnosis of the deficiency state was made at each participating center. Clinical data were documented in a questionnaire that was completed during each patient’s visit to the participating center. The questionnaires were sent to the coordinating...