14C Dating of Plant Macrofossils in Lake Sediment

Macrofossils of terrestrial plants have been picked from a sediment core taken in Lake Lobsigen, a small lake on the Western Swiss Plateau. The sediments were previously analyzed for pollen composition, plant and animal macrofossils, and stable isotopes. Plant macrofossils were selected near pollen zone boundaries in Late Glacial and early Postglacial sediment for 14C dating by AMS. In the same lake carbonate and gyttja (aquatic plant) samples were dated by decay counting. The dates on terrestrial material are generally younger than those on carbonate and gyttja, ie, material reflecting the 14C/C ratio of dissolved bicarbonate in lake water. This is probably due to a contribution of dissolved limestone carbonate and thus a somewhat reduced 14C/C ratio in the lake's water (hard water effect).

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