Nuclear Resonance ofNb93in KNbO3

The nuclear resonance of Nb93 in a single crystal of KNbO3 has been studied in magnetic fields of approximately 5000, 100, and zero oersteds, and at temperatures between -196°C and +460°C. The quadrupole splitting of the magnetic resonance line in strong fields is found to be a sensitive function of crystal structure and, hence, of temperature. Temperatures of the phase transitions found in this way at about -50, +220, and +430°C are in agreement with other known data for this substance. The splitting Δν of one satellite line is a continuous function of temperature between 220 and 430°C; near 430°C Δν changes abruptly, indicating a first-order phase change. Below the Curie temperature (430°C) KNbO3 is ferroelectric, with noncubic crystal structure. Above 430° it is cubic and a single resonance line is observed.