Alcoholic Drive in Rats Treated With Propyl Thiouracil

Rats were given a choice of water or 10% ethyl alcohol and fed varying concns. of propyl thiouracil. The addition of 0.4 to 0.8% propyl thiouracil to the diet induced an immediate and marked increase in alcohol consumption. Concns. as low as 0.2% of the goitrogen in the diet induced an alcoholism in more than 50% of the animals. This action of the goitrogen was independent of the thyroid gland and could not be prevented by thyroxine injns. Thyroidectomy alone failed to induce an alcoholic drive although the goitrogen was equally effective in either the normal or thyroidectomized rat. Restriction of food intake tended to increase the animals'' consumption of alcohol but at no time did these animals develop a frank alcoholism of the type and degree seen following thiouracil treatment. It is concluded that the action of propyl thiouracil in producing an alcoholic drive in the rat is independent of its action on the thyroid gland and the synthesis of thyroxine.