With the extraction of an active substance by Swingle and Pfiffner1and Hartman and Brownell2in 1930 and the more recent isolation of potent crystalline compounds by Reichstein3and Kendall and his associates,4great advances have been made in the knowledge of the physiology of the cortex of the adrenal gland. The effects of its hormones are reasonably well known today. The influence of systemic disease on the morphologic appearance of the gland is, however, not widely recognized. The latter, described by many, could not have been appreciated without the benefit of the more recent advances in the knowledge of the physiology of the gland. An attempt will be made in this paper to establish correlations between changes in the morphologic aspects of the cortex and various systemic diseases. MATERIAL Adrenal glands were obtained from 110 routine autopsies performed at the New Haven Hospital (one to