1. Analysis of the division rates of Paramecium aurelia (mutant), Blepharisma undulans, and Histrio complanatus grown separately in pedigree isolation culture with the same culture medium, and in the same room at any given time, for a period of 3 years, discloses a secular trend and a seasonal rhythm for each organism. The seasonal rhythm is a yearly cycle with a maximum during July. 2. After removal of the effects of trend and seasonal rhythm, no correlation is found between the division rates of the several organisms. The distribution of the division rates is then one of chance order, except for large deviations known to be associated with changes in the culture technique. Each organism has a division rate varying independently of the others. 3. Consequently, seasonal rhythm alone has forced similar variations in the division rates of these three protozoans. The seasonal effect is gradually lost when the animals are raised for several years under laboratory conditions. Examination of the literature discloses other similar cases. 4. It is clear that unless all of the conditions of experiment are kept constant, one must analyze all protozoan division rate data in some such manner as that here presented before any conclusions may be drawn as to the existence of "cycles" or "rhythms."

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