Determination of dissolved N2 in blood by gas chromatography and (a-A)N2 difference

By combining vacuum extraction in a Van Slyke chamber and separation of the extracted gases in a gas chromatograph, it is possible to determine N2 content of 1.5 ml of blood or other biological fluids in less than 10 min. The 95% confidence limits are 0.44% on either side of the mean of the triplicate analysis-or 2.4 mm Pn2 in arterial blood when breathing room air. Application of the method to the problem of arterial-alveolar N2 difference yielded the following data: 1) N2 solubility in whole blood at 37.3 C varied from 0.0125 to 0.0129; 2) N2 solubility in urine is inversely related to urine specific gravity, confirming Klocke and Rahn's data; 3) changes in arterial N2 content were reflected in arm superficial venous blood and urine N2 only after a considerable period of time, indicating that either of these will give an excellent indication of the mean Pn2 over a period of time; 4) there is no systematic difference between venous blood and urine Pn2; 5) the (a-A)N2 difference in nine normal subjects varied from 3.7 to 13.1 mm Hg. Note: (With the Technical Assistance of M. Passke) Submitted on July 24, 1962