Presence of the Cyanogenic Glucoside Dhurrin in Isolated Vacuoles from Sorghum

Large numbers of vacuoles (106-107) were isolated from S. bicolor protoplasts and analyzed for the cyanogenic glucoside dhurrin. Leaves from light-grown seedlings were incubated for 4 h in 1.5% cellulysin and 0.5% macerase to yield mesophyll protoplasts which then were recovered by centrifugation, quantitated by a hemocytometer and assayed for cyanogenic glucosides. Mature vacuoles, released from the protoplasts by osmotic shock, were purified on a discontinuous Ficoll gradient and monitored for intactness by their ability to maintain a slightly acid interior while suspended in an alkaline buffer as indicated by neutral red stain. Cyanide analysis of the protoplasts and the vacuoles obtained there from yielded equivalent values of 11 .mu.mol of cyanogenic glucoside dhurrin/107 protoplasts or 107 vacuoles. This work supports an earlier study from this laboratory which demonstrated that the vacuole is the site of accumulation of the cyanogenic glucoside in Sorghum.