Dislocation Channeling in Neutron-Irradiated Niobium

Dislocation channels cleared of radiation‐produced defect clusters were observed by transmission electron microscopy in polycrystalline niobium irradiated to 4×1018 neutrons/cm2 (E>1 MeV) and then deformed in tension to 6.6% strain. From electron diffraction patterns and diffraction contrast (g·b) analysis, the {110} plane was determined to be the plane on which the dislocation channels formed in most cases. The strain due to the motion of slip dislocations in the channels was deduced from the offset at intersections between the channels and other microstructural features. The strain corresponded to the passage of 1–3 slip dislocations per slip plane. Several mechanisms for the clearing of defect clusters by slip dislocations are discussed. These include: annealing due to the heat of plastic deformation, chopping up or sweeping up of defect clusters by slip dislocations, and annihilation by antidefects.