Thermal Neutron Cross-Section Measurements of U233, U235, Pu240, U234, and I129with the ORNL Fast Chopper Time-of-Flight Neutron Spectrometer

The neutron total cross sections of U233, U235, Pu240, U234, and I129 were measured with the new ORNL fast chopper time-of-flight neutron spectrometer over an energy range from approximately O.02 to O.20 ev. The cross section data have been fitted in the energy range from approximately O.02 to O.04 ev by the least squares method to the following equation: where σT and σsc are the total and scattering cross sections, E is the neutron energy, and a and b are the coefficients of fit. From this least squares fit, the 2200 m/sec neutron total cross sections of U233, U235, Pu240, U234, and I129 were determined to be 587 ± 3, 693 ± 5, 290 ± 8, 110 ± 4, and 35 ± 4 barns, respectively. A brief description of the new ORNL fast chopper time-of-flight neutron spectrometer is included in this paper.